Galina Chipriyanova1*, Mihail Chipriyanov2, Violeta Blazheva3

Vladislava Georgieva4

1Assoc. Prof. Dr., D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria,

2Assoc. Prof. Dr., D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria,

3Assoc. Prof. Dr., D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria,

4Asst. Prof., University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Bulgaria,

*Corresponding author


The research focuses on some relevant aspects of training at higher schools for building digital competences which facilitate the effective application of modern digital tools for solving planned tasks and achieving objectives. The emphasis falls on the necessary competences for working with integrated resource planning systems (ERP). Special attention is paid to the acquisition and development of the so-called Business Intelligence (BI) competences at higher schools.

At the beginning of the research, we have synthesized the necessary activities for quality training as the final objective is that the learners acquire a totality of knowledge, skills and experience for working and managing some heterogeneous in their nature processes, as well as some means and technologies required for the transformation of data into managerial information, whereas the data itself – into managerial decisions and action plans. The next stage consists of differentiation among the various types of skills – business skills, analytic skills and IT skills, as well as the specific aspects of their acquisition and development through the training at higher schools. The conclusion makes an assessment of the trends, respectively, the topics of training on specific tools for the solution of managerial tasks and the successful realization of strategic aims. We take into account the training in performing business analyses through dashboards and the work with key productivity indicators (KPI).

Parallel to this, we have researched the degree of coverage of this matter in existing curricula and courses at higher schools in Central and Eastern Europe using the method of random sampling without replacement.

The logic of carrying out the research corresponds to the principle that the training shall comply with the needs and requirements of the practice. The basis for determining the research sample is based on the subject matter of the research. We have encompassed enterprises of the private sector in countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The sample is limited to small, medium and large enterprises which actively use digital tools in making managerial decisions (respectively 16% / 65% / 19%) from the Czech Republic, Romania, Greece and Bulgaria using the method of random sampling without replacement. The methodology of the research secures its reliability by addressing the survey to a specific category of individuals, including the opinions of managers and employees on the digital competences of future specialists with a degree in Economics.

The results are used to make a narrow selection of those areas in the content of specific courses which shall be updated and to point out those curricula which shall be updated in the medium term.

Keywords: Training, higher schools, enterprise resource planning (ERP), competences, digital competences, BI competences.



CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022

ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1